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Kibri 38136 HO Garage for 4 lorries
Kibri 38350 H0 Corner house incl. house illumination starter set
Kibri 38540 HO Garage small
Kibri 38543 HO Gantry crane for sawmill
Kibri 38623 HO Noise barrier, blue
Kibri 38907 HO City hall in Bad Urach
Kibri 38909 HO Half-timbered house in Bad Urach
Kibri 39250 HO Warehouse / Industrial hall, modern
Kibri 39252 HO Maintenance hangar GleisBau, modern
Kibri 39253 HO Extension set for Maintenance hangar GleisBau 39252
Kibri 39256 HO Maintenance hangar Deutsche Bahn, modern
Kibri 39257 HO Extension set for Maintenance hangar Deutsche Bahn item 39256
Kibri 39301 HO Footbridge
Kibri 39316 HO Gantry crane Horb
Kibri 39366 HO Station Feldafing
Kibri 39462 HO Freight shed with extra loading platform
Kibri 39488 HO Signal tower Cölbe near Marburg
Kibri 39492 HO Station Reichelsheim
Kibri 39813 HO Factory with annex
Kibri 39834 HO MIRO filling station with SCANIA road tanker
Kibri 39930 HO Concrete factory SchwarzBau
Showing 1–21 of 62 results