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Electric Locomotive E.447.074 after gear transmission modification in 1986 of the Italian State Railways (FS). LIMITED EDITION. Epoch V
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ACME 60317 Electric Locomotive Class 162, RegioJet
ACME 60540 Electric locomotive class 230, DR
ACME 60542 Electric Locomotive SKODA “Knödelpresse” BR 180, DB AG
ACME 69317 Electric Locomotive Class 162, RegioJet (DCC/Sound)
ACME 69333 Electric locomotive Class 350, ČSD (DCC/Sound)
ACME 69541 Electric Locomotive SKODA “Knödelpresse” BR 180, DR (DCC/Sound)
ACME 69542 Electric Locomotive SKODA “Knödelpresse” BR 180, DB AG (DCC/Sound)
ACME 69553 Electric Locomotive Class 371, ČD (DCC/Sound)