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Out of stock
Digitrax DS44 Basic Quad Stationary Decoder
Digitrax DS51K1 Stationary Decoder For Single Kato Unitrack Turnouts
Digitrax DS74 Quad Switch Stationary Decoder
Digitrax DS78V Eight Servo LocoNet Stationary & Accessory decoder for turnout control
Digitrax DSXC4 Input interconnect board for DS74
Digitrax DSXCP1 Fascia mount Switch control device for the DS74
Digitrax DSXSV9 9G Turnout or motion control servo with mount bracket and installation hardware
Digitrax TF4 Quad DCC Function Decoder with Integrated Transponder
Digitrax TL1 Single DCC Function Decoder with Integrated Transponding
1 in stock
ESU 51801 SwitchPilot Extension
5 in stock
ESU 51830 SwitchPilot 3
3 in stock
ESU 51831 SwitchPilot 3 Plus
ESU 51832 SwitchPilot 3 Servo
ESU 51840 SignalPilot
ESU 59110 LokPilot 5 FX micro DCC/MM/SX, 8-pin NEM652
ESU 59118 LokPilot 5 FX micro DCC/MM/SX, Next 18
4 in stock
ESU 59120 LokPilot 5 FX micro DCC, 8-pin NEM652
2 in stock
ESU 59128 LokPilot 5 FX micro DCC, Next 18
ESU 59210 LokPilot 5 Fx DCC/MM/SX, 8-pin NEM652
ESU 59212 LokPilot 5 Fx DCC/MM/SX, PluX22 NEM658
ESU 59219 LokPilot 5 Fx DCC/MM/SX, 21MTC NEM660
Showing 1–21 of 25 results